Wednesday, March 13, 2013

US Beauty Brush Haul!

So the lovely Sabrina/Rose recently visited the US of A and naturally did a ridiculous amount of makeup shopping including picking up a few much needed (but unaffordable in Australia) beauty tools for my collection. This is a nice spread of high and low end brushes and just what the (beauty) doctor ordered, I can't wait to try them out!

L-R: MAC 217 Blending Eyeshadow Brush, elf Small Angled Brush, Sonia Kashuk Bent Eyeliner Brush No. 107, elf Blush Brush, realTechniques (by Samantha Chapman) Stippling Brush for liquid foundation

I've learnt recently that it's less about the quality/price of the product and more about the tools you use to apply them that can make such a dramatic difference in the application of you all agree?

x Alina/Sparkle

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  1. I've always wanted to try the 217 but couldn't bring myself to spend that much money on it when I could almost buy a whole set of Real Techniques brushes. But still ... one day perhaps :) And yes, tools are very important, though I think it's about balance in terms of the quality of the product you're applying as well. Though the common thing between them is that price is not necessarily the best indicator of quality.

    1. The 217 is glorious!! I got it for $23 in the US and that is about the same as a Real Techniques set, but I don't feel that any sets I have seen have equivalents of that brush in them :( I should review it, I feel like I have heaps better control getting colour into my crease compared to my other blending brushes (including the Sigma equivalent!). Maybe it's brand power... I'll have to devise some sort of test to compare blending brushes more objectively ;)

      You're right about the quality though - if there's just no colour payoff it doesn't matter which tool you're using, it won't really stick onto the face. I'm having that problem with an ELF blush/bronzer duo I picked up in the US -_-
